Featured products Magento extension by Inchoo

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One of the most requested feature in Magento is the ability to have a featured products. Those of you who used osCommerce, ZenCart or some other shopping cart solution are already familiar with the way it works. You can choose the products that are featured and those will be displayed on some home page box and in separate interface. Some of you might know that we already have a post on the site that speaks about adding featured products to the homepage, but we prepared something better. A free extension: Featured Products by Inchoo.

This extension gives your Magento ability for easy management of featured products. Frontend features include separate interface for listing of all featured products and a block usage for easy placement to the interfaces of your choice.

Frontend features include:

  • Featured Products Interface where you can see the list of all featured products and use the options like Sort by, Show X number of products and View type choice.
  • You can view featured products page on url: www.yourstore.com/featured-products/
  • Featured Products Block gives you the ability to place the block to the interface or page of your choice. It is mostly used to display featured products o the home page.
    Example: put it in Home page content {{block type=”featuredproducts/listing” template=”inchoo/block_featured_products.phtml”}}

Backend features include:

  • Easy Management of Featured products via separate interface. You do not have to edit every single product and set it to be featured. You will get the special interface where you will be able to choose the products you want to feature from the list.
  • Go to admin menu and click on: Catalog > Featured Products
  • Configuration Options You will be able to choose layout for Featured product lising interface, use SEO features, Choose the number of products in the block and choose default sort order.

I really hope you will like it. Send us the feedback after you install it. Also let us know on what stores are you using it. Featured products Magento extension by Inchoo

UPDATE: Version 1.1.3 (now available at the Magento Connect)

  • Added multi store functionality
  • Improved templates

Although Magento Connect listing says that extension is compatible with, it is tested and works with 1.4.

The extension is available via Magento Connect: Click here to see it on Magento Connect.

