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API618-2024版中,将活塞杆的要求如下。 Unless otherwise specified, all piston rods, regardless of base material, shall be coated with a wear-resistant material.
Uncoated piston rod may be proposed when the expected life equals or exceeds that of a coated rod for the specified operating conditions. Uncoated piston rods shall be surface-hardened in the packing area to a hardness of at least Rockwell C50 and shall be inspected for cracking by magnetic particle examination.
当无涂层的活塞杆的预期寿命得到或者超过带涂层的活塞杆时,可以提供无涂层的活塞杆方案。无涂层的活塞杆应该在填料处进行表面硬化,硬度至少达到Rc50,并且通过磁粉检测检查裂纹。 Techniques that require temperatures high enough to permanently affect the mechanical characteristics of the base material shall not be used. High-velocity and high-impact thermal coating processes are acceptable for the coating of piston rods. Metal spray techniques requiring roughening of the surface of the base metal shall not be used.
Piston rods that have been previously induction-hardened shall not be coated with a wear-resistant material over the induction-hardened case.
如果活塞杆在涂层前,已经感应淬火硬化了的话,就不能再涂耐磨材料涂层了。 Tolerances for finished rods shall be 12.5 μm (0.0005 in.) for roundness and 25 μm (0.001 in.) for diametral variation over the length of the rod.
The surface finish in the packing areas for lubricated and nonlubricated services shall be 0.15 μm to 0.4 μm (6 μin. to 16 μin.) Ra.
Piston rods with threads shall be furnished with rolled threads